"...He took them with Him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida, but the crowds learned about it and followed Him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing."
+Luke 9:10-11
Jesus took the disciples away from the crowds probably with the intention of some private time with them, maybe some teaching time, maybe a little relaxation and bonding. But "they withdrew BY THEMSELVES" is what stands out to me. And then the crowds learned where they had gone and followed Him, and "He WELCOMED them". I had to look it up in Greek and it means "to accept gladly, welcome, to receive heartily".
Let's just be honest here, when I have withdrawn and am about to enjoy some time away from my duties, and the crowds (children) figure out where I've gone, or get out of bed 544685 times...I don't always receive them heartily. And when I am out around other people and doing something (grocery shopping, etc) am I emotionally ready to "gladly receive" someone who needs help?
As I sit here typing this on my phone with my baby nursing to sleep, my 2 year old refusing to eat her breakfast at the table, and my older children in their room playing (fighting) loudly, I'm thinking to myself, "gosh it's nice that the baby is asleep and the toddler is at least being quiet, if one of the big kids comes out yelling about some injustice and disrupts my quiet, I'm going to have a hard time reacting the way Jesus did". And so I have two choices...I can hope that nothing happens and know that if it does I will be unhappy and unwelcoming, or I can pray that Jesus would give me His heart, right now, so that I am ready to welcome my children.
This is also convicting for the times that I am a woman on a mission and I just want to complete a task and have an unapproachable heart. You know those times at the store when you don't make eye contact, especially with the older crowd because you don't want to stop and talk for 5 minutes...or 10? But I may be the only dose of Jesus they get that day...of love. And I shouldn't shirk that duty, that privilege, in the name of time.
My 2 year old got down from the table and came over with arms full of love...and woke up her sister, and now she's inviting the big kids out to come join the love fest. What a blessed life!
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